INDUSTRIAS ALIMENTARIAS NAVARRA S.A.U. (hereinafter IAN S.A.U.) is a company whose business is the production and sale of vegetable conserves and prepared meals.
IAN S.A.U., holder of NIF no. A/31204175, has its registered address, for the purpose of this information, at POLIGONO PEÑALFONS S/N, 31330 VILLAFRANCA-NAVARRA-SPAIN, and is registered on the Companies Register of Navarra, Volume 606, Page 93, Sheet NA-363, and is currently responsible for the operation, management and functioning of the websites and
Other contact details: Telf.948 84 33 60 / Fax.948 84 33 93. E-mail:
This website is an information channel about the company and its products.
By accessing and browsing this website, users shall undertake to use it at all times in accordance with the legislation in force and under the terms set out in this Legal Notice, observing morally and generally accepted norms and public order. The user will be liable to IAN S.A.U. and/or third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of the breach of this obligation.
Accessing and browsing this website implies the user’s acceptance and knowledge of the legal warnings that are set forth herein. By merely accessing this site does not lead to the establishment of any kind of relationship between IAN S.A.U. and the user. IAN S.A.U. may block any user who engages in unlawful conduct from accessing this website.
Users of this website must, under all circumstances, refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protective device or security system that may be installed on it.
This website contains information gathered in good faith by IAN S.A.U. from sources it deems to be reliable. However, this portal and its contents do not imply any guarantee, either express or implicit, of any kind on the part of IAN S.A.U., which does not guarantee that its pages will be operative, or that their contents are complete, exact or up to date at all times. IAN S.A.U. shall not be held responsible for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from the use of this website, including damage to computer systems, the spread of viruses and damage caused by any decision made based on the information contained therein. IAN S.A.U. recommends requesting confirmation of this information in writing, if so required.
Any links to other portals or websites not managed by IAN S.A.U. that may be contained on this website are offered solely for information purposes, and we offer no evaluation of the owners or of the contents, services or products offered on them. IAN S.A.U. exercises no control whatsoever over such portals or websites and is not responsible for their contents.
In any event, IAN S.A.U. shall be exempt from any liability for the services provided by said third parties should any claim of any nature be brought in relation to them.
All the contents of this portal, including but not limited to the texts, images, photographs, sounds, files, logos, source codes, colour combinations, designs, trademarks or any other elements, as well as its structure and design, the selection and presentation of the materials included in it and the computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use are subject to the industrial and intellectual property rights belonging to IAN S.A.U. or third parties. Therefore, the total or partial reproduction of this portal is expressly prohibited without the express written permission of IAN S.A.U. and in no event may it be used for commercial purposes or for its exploitation, distribution, reproduction, public communication or for the use of reverse engineering techniques, nor may it be modified, altered or decompiled without prior written authorization of the owner unless it is legally permitted. Any use of this website or its contents contravening current legislation may be prosecuted.
All publications, trademarks, trade names or logos of any kind appearing on the website are the property of IAN S.A.U. or third parties, and the use of or access to the website does not grant users any rights over them or over any other content contained on the website.
Consult our Privacy policy
IAN S.A.U. does not condone the use of “SPAM” and thus, in compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 of 11 June governing Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, will not send unsolicited commercial correspondence to users who may have provided their details to the company and with whom it has had no previous commercial relationship, unless expressly authorised by the user.
IAN S.A.U. acknowledges that users place great importance on us maintaining the privacy of the personal data they have provided us with. Therefore, should any user receive any commercial correspondence by email that has not been requested, we ask them to contact us at the addresses below to avoid any repetition of this occurrence.
Name | Title Holder | Duration | Aim |
__utma | Google analytics | 2 years | Unique visitor identifier |
__utmb | Google analytics | 30 minutes | User browsing analysis per session |
__utmc | Google analytics | Session | Identifies new visits by previous users |
__utmz | Google analytics | 12h | Identifies origin of the visits to the site |
5. If you wish to refuse permission to process your details or information, you can do this by using the settings of your browser to block the use of cookies. You can find out how to do this in the Help menu of your browser, which shows the steps you need to take to remove cookies. For further information:
- Internet Explorer:
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6. In order to manage the acceptance of use of cookies, Carretilla also uses session storage variables which are stored over the duration of the session of the browser and disappear when the browser is closed.
7. By browsing the website, users express their acceptance of the collection and handling of such data in the manner and for the purposes indicated above.
1. For the purpose of these Terms of Use, “Portal” means website.
2. IAN S.A.U. reserves the right to change the contents of this portal, the current Legal Notice and the General Terms of Access at any time without prior notice.
3. These Terms of Use and any relationship established between the user and IAN S.A.U. are governed by Spanish legislation.
Use of this portal implies acceptance of the foregoing General Terms of Use.
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