At Carretilla, in our firm commitment to preserving the environment, we have changed our packaging. Keep reading!


We work to improve our packaging

Our trays and bowls are now 100% recyclable
Our trays and bowls are now 100% recyclable
Platos microondables Would you like to find out how we did it?

We have changed our trays and bowls so that they are now white.

Previously, they were black, but although they were already 100% recyclable, the machines used in recycling centres struggled to detect them. As a result, they often did not get recycled and were instead treated as unrecyclable waste. Now that they are white, they can be separated correctly and will go through to the next stages of the recycling process.

Remember to always dispose of plastic packaging in the yellow container.

Sellos sostenibilidad Our cardboard sleeves come from sustainably managed forests.

A sign of our commitment to respecting the environment, our cardboard sleeeves come from sustainably managed forests, are 100% recyclable and are made with 75% recycled fibers.

Always remember to deposit the cardboard box in the blue container.

100% recyclable cardboard sleeves
100% recyclable cardboard sleeves

We continue working for a more sustainable world!

Our objective

Envases 100% reciclables

At Carretilla, we are committed to promoting a circular economy model in which our packaging is 100% recyclable. That's why we continue to work on the film that covers and protects our ready meals more recyclable. That way, in the future, we will be able to ensure that all of our packaging is completely recyclable.

Recyclability in our packaging today

95% reciclable Total recyclability tray-format ready meals: 95%
97% reciclable Total recyclability bowl-format ready meals: 97%

The Film


The film that covers our ready meals is fundamental for guaranteeing and maintaining the quality, taste, aroma and nutritional properties of our recipes.

At Carretilla, we are working hard so that:

  • Our film is 100% recyclable.

  • And at the same time, it continues to meet the highest quality standards for our ready meals.


Contenedor amarillo: Envases de plástico, latas y briks Yellow container: Plastic, tins and milk cartons
Contenedor azul: Envases de papel y cartón Blue container: Paper and cardboard packaging
Contenedor verde: Vidrio Green container: Glass
Contenedor orgánico: Residuos orgánicos Organic container: Organic waste

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